Lord, what are my sorrows? They are financial and circumstantial only. Therefore I am truly blessed! I will lift praises to Your Name for my sorrows are trivial and few. Lord You are forever gracious and good, my cup does run over, my blessings are without number! Glory be to God, I can count my sorrows on my one hand, Yet my blessings are as the stars, who can know them all? I am blessed in love, in relationship, in health, in sound mind, in peace, and in being fed. You quench my every thirst and satisfy my every hunger. You give me the desires of my heart, as I delight myself in You. You are my hope, my peace, my joy, and my righteousness. There is no other balm for my wounds. You have brought healing to my broken spirit. You have restored to me all that I ever destroyed. You have given to me all that I never deserved, and what I do deserve You have sheltered me from in Your grace. You are the lifter of my head, the lover of my soul, To whom else shall I turn? You alone are my rock and my salvation, on You alone do I put my trust. I will not be disappointed for You are faithful and just to perform Your Word. You are the author and finisher of my faith.
So be it all in Jesus’ precious name.